From kindergarten to university, the challenge is always the same. How to connect the various technologies on the student's desk with the tech in the classroom - which today can be in a hallway, library, campus dorm, just about anywhere.
Click around for resources and information from a company committed to connecting classrooms.

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The Most Popular Docks in Class
Docking stations are where classrooms connect. Sometimes those connections can be accomplished with a simple one-size-fits-all solution. Other times every desk needs a different connection. For instance, when setting up a presentation lectern a small dock that connects to a smart board, easily tucks out of the way, and offers a few ports for peripherals is all you need. But if you’re setting up a station for aspiring scientists, a Thunderbolt 4 dock like the TBT4-UD5 is the better option. Compare four of the most popular Plugable docks for education.
Stand Out From the Crowd
Elevate your tablet or laptop to a better viewing able thanks to the versatility and convenience of a tablet stand.
Ranging from the folio-style travel friendly PT-STANDX to the MagSafe-compatible AMS-STAND13, Plugable tablet stands are the perfect companion for a productive workspace.
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Simple Solutions for Classroom Connectivity
Often, schools can extend the usefulness of their hardware with a few little add-ons. From upgrading Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to adding extra screens and ports, these peripherals are as user-friendly as they are budget-friendly.
For the Teacher’s Desk
Find the hubs, chargers, and stands that keep classes charged up.